At the tryout sessions, Wings representatives are on hand to answer most of the questions that players/parents have regarding tryouts and the Wings organization. Below are some of the more frequently asked questions with answers. Please read them over and if you still have an unanswered question that cannot wait until tryouts please email one of the two tryout coordinators. A reply should come your way in a few days. Thank you for your interest in the Wilmette Wings and good luck at tryouts!
Q: I don't live in Wilmette, can I still play for the Wings?
A: Yes. The Wings can accept players from any town.
Q: How do I know that my son/daughter is ready for travel soccer?
A: If you son/daughter has enjoyed Park District or AYSO soccer and shows the desire and ability to play soccer through the fall, winter and spring he/she may be a good fit for a travel program. Please read our website about the soccer and financial commitments required of every player and family. New players come into our program every year and if your son/daughter does not make a team or decides not to tryout this year, encourage them to continue in the Park District and AYSO programs and consider trying out again in the future.
Q. What Leagues do the Wings' Teams play in?
A: Our boys teams currently play in the Young Sportsman Soccer League (YSSL), which predominately play games on Saturdays. Our girls teams currently play in the Illinois Women's Soccer League (IWSL), which predominately play games on Sunday. There are exceptions to the rule and some teams may play games during the week, Sunday and/or Saturday. Teams may also compete in the Midwest Conference League (MCL), State Premiership or Northern Illinois Soccer League (NISL).
Q: How many teams does the Wings field? How many players are offered positions?
A: The number of teams fielded is dependent upon the number of qualified players that attend tryouts as well as the number of players that accept their position and register to play with the Wings. Each age group may have anywhere from 1 to 3 teams.
The number of players on a team varies by age group.
Q: How do I find out if my son/daughter made a team?
A: Once tryouts are finished players will receive communication several days after tryouts on whether they were offered a position or not on a team. If a player was not offered a position they will also be notified.
Q. What do the coaches look for in Tryouts?
A: Wings coaches look for a combination of qualities; athletic ability, technical soccer ability and tactical awareness.
Q. Are there tryouts for Goalkeepers?
A: Yes. Goalkeeper tryouts will be conducted for 2013 and above teams. Goalkeeper tryouts will be conducted at the same time as the corresponding Birth Year tryout.